Folding windows are functional and stylish. They consist of a number of hinged framed window panels that fold into each other simply and elegantly , to connect interior spaces with exterior spaces. Folding windows fully maximise openings, setting them apart from other windows that only slide open halfway or swing open to a fixed degree.

They allow a large amount of natural light into a home and remove boundaries creating a different concept of space, natural and green. They are also highly versatile and can be opened fully or partially and can either open to one side or both sides folding to opposite directions.

Key benefits

  • Provide a clear and unobstructed view
  • Excellent window solution for wide opening spaces
  • Can stack either to the inside or outside
  • Attractive, modern aesthetic with slim sightlines
  • Increased ventilation and natural light
  • Multipoint locking
  • Smooth operability


Configuration options

Below is our range of the most popular configurations but windows can be customised as required.