Thermally improved joinery for a drier, warmer home in winter or reduced heat in summer, featuring ‘thermal break’ polyamide technology.

The Thermal suite, featuring ‘thermal break’ polyamide technology, delivers up to 73% improvement in thermal efficiency. When used with the right glass solution, this could mean a drier, warmer home in winter, reduced heat in summer and lower heating and cooling bills throughout the year.

How does Thermal Joinery Work?

The close up of the joinery provides a visual of the polyamide strip, or thermal break, which reduces outside temperatures from being transferred through the frame, impacting internal temperatures.

Thermal Frames Make a Difference

These models show a noticeable difference in the inside non-thermal vs thermal frame temperatures. (Outside temperatures on each model are -1C. Clearly, thermal frames reduce the heating needed to create a warm, comfortable home.

The performance rating exceeds New Zealand Standards

(tested in accordance with NZS4211:2008 and As2047)

Thermal windows and doors are flexible enough to hold up to triple glazing and largerscale glass panels. The combination of flush surfaces, square shapes and timber liners creates a look that is contemporary and refined.